Joachim Ford About

Io's Mission

Help Io climb the tower before his friends are thrown into the dungeons! Io's Mission is a fully-featured platform adventure where Io saves his friends from The Great Ominous.

The runtime for this game is about half an hour, but it saves your progress in case you need a break. All controls are explained in the first few levels of the game.
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Well, I'm glad that's over! I've spent almost a year and a half on this game, and it only takes half an hour to play. Never mind, I'm sure it was worth it in some way or another.

The entire source code for this game is huge. The source code for The Mitigator was just over 100kb, Snakes And Ladders was about 200kb, but Io's Mission adds up to almost 1000kb. Of course, a lot of this figure is taken up by the sound files, but there's still a lot of hand-written code in there - about half of it. In relatable terms, this game is over half a million characters long.

Things I Learned

∙ When making platform games, don't try to generating your levels purely with algorithms.

∙ Make sure you think about the structure of the game before you begin. How do I want the actors to move? What order should I draw things in? What features will be useful for other parts of the game?

∙ Make sure the main character looks good in your mind before adding him to your game. It's saves a lot of time.

∙ Have a good idea of the gameplay before starting. What's the aim? How can I make it fun to play?

You can read more about how I made Io's Mission in the articles below. If you're still interested, feel free to take a look at the source code by following the link.

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